The International Land and Forest Tenure Facility

The Tenure Facility works alongside Indigenous Peoples and local communities to advance their land rights while sharing the knowledge, innovations and tools that emerge. In collaboration with If Not Us, Then Who?, Land Portal Foundation, the Tenure Facility, & The Global Alliance of Territorial Communities, we created a 3-part series highlighting why indigenous women are a necessity for the protection of Mother Earth.

The International Land and Forest Tenure Facility


The International Land and Forest Tenure Facility


Adobe Creative Suite, Buffer,



The Ask

We were asked to develop and distribute multimedia materials, collaborating with Indigenous women leaders to co-create campaign messages, highlighting the pivotal role of indigenous women in preserving Mother Earth, safeguarding traditional knowledge; and promoting greater financial inclusion for them to lead on local solutions.

The Solution

We published a 3-part video series leading up to the webinar event.

This project acted as a method of assessing our ability to localize and disseminate adaptations in Spanish, French, Portuguese & Indonesian through member organizations' social media platforms.

The Results

  • All platforms organic post impressions - 14,193
  • All platforms post engagements - 1,087
  • All platform comments - 21
  • Average engagement rate - 7%

The videos culminated in a joint webinar event, which we did a digestible recap here.

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